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留美咨询 阅读量:

Holiday season is comming!已经进入十月啦!感恩节就在眼前,感恩节作为美国当地最重视的传统节日,想要体验美式本土文化的同学,快看看小酥为你准备的感恩节美式寄宿体验之旅吧!

Holiday season is comming!已经进入十月啦!感恩节就在眼前,感恩节作为美国当地最重视的传统节日,想要体验美式本土文化的同学,快看看小酥为你准备的感恩节美式寄宿体验之旅吧!





感恩节怎么过?原汁原味的节日体验, 感恩节大惊喜!





2 -- The maximum number of days the U.S. Department of Agriculture suggests keeping a fresh turkey before cooking it.2——美国农业部建议,在烹饪前新鲜火鸡的保质期最多是两天。
2.5 -- The number in miles of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade available for public viewing.2.5——公众可以看到的梅西感恩节大游行是2.5英里。
5-5.5-- The number of hours it takes to cook a stuffed 22- to 24-pound turkey in an oven set to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.5-5.5——把一只塞满了东西的22到24磅重的火鸡放到325华氏摄氏度的烤箱里要烤5-5.5个小时。
11-12 -- The number of hours it takes to thaw a frozen 22- to 24-pound turkey in cold water. Compare that with the 5½ to six days it takes to thaw in the refrigerator.11-12——在冷水里解冻一只22到24磅的火鸡要11-12个小时。同样在冰箱里解冻的话要5.5-6天。
36 -- The number of years it took magazine editor Sarah Josepha Hale to crusade for an annual Thanksgiving holiday. National and local days of thanksgiving had been celebrated over the years, but President Abraham Lincoln finally proclaimed the fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving in 1863.36——杂志编辑莎拉·约瑟法·霍尔花了36年为每年的感恩节改革而奋斗。从国家到地方都在庆祝感恩节,但是亚伯拉罕·林肯总统最终在1863年宣布了11月的第四个星期四为感恩节。
46 million -- The estimated number of turkeys eaten in the United States on Thanksgiving 2012.4600万——2012年的感恩节,美国人预计吃掉了4600万只火鸡。
46.9 million -- The estimated number of Americans who will be traveling more than 50 miles for Thanksgiving in 2015, according to AAA.4690万——根据AAA报告,在2014年,估计有4690万的美国人在感恩节出去旅行。
50 million -- The approximate number of people who typically watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on television.5000万——在电视上收看梅西感恩节大游行的大概的观众数目有5000万人。
79 -- Percentage of Americans surveyed who said eating Thanksgiving leftovers is more important than eating their regular Thanksgiving meal.79——79%参与问卷的美国人称,吃掉感恩节的剩饭比吃掉平常的感恩大餐重要的多。
88 -- The approximate percentage of Americans who eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day, according to a National Turkey Federation survey.88——根据国家火鸡联盟的调查,在感恩节吃火鸡的美国人占大约88%。
4,500 -- The average number of calories you might consume on Thanksgiving, according to the Calorie Control Council. That's 3,000 for the meal, and another 1,500 for snacking and nibbling.4500——根据卡路里控制委员会的报告,你在感恩节平均进食的卡路里数是4500。吃饭占3000卡路里,零食和零嘴占了另外1500。
100,000-plus -- Questions typically answered by the Butterball Turkey hotline every November and December.10万+——每年11月和12月,胖子火鸡热线要回答10万多个问题。
135.8 million -- Estimated Thanksgiving weekend shoppers in 2015.135.8 百万——2015年黑色星期五的消费者有135.8 百万人。
237.5 million -- The number of turkeys raised in the United States in 2014.237.5百万——美国在2014年饲养了237.5百万只火鸡。


